Thursday, July 15, 2010

Well, that was an inadvertent publication - I am on the Netbook, and confusing the space bar for mouse.  you wouldn't believe how hard this is to a touch typist - and i also us an ergonoymic keyboafrd ag home, so thjis llittle honesg keyboard adds further to the confusion;.

Faithful readeers might recall that I bought the Netbook last fall in an exhilaratfed mood, sahing, "I am not going to end up in the hospital again with nothing to do in the middle of the njight."  now the sleek little thing has been lying here safe under my blanket unused with me too sicxk to grapple with it. A new and different hospitalizaion,and a tough one.  It's not so much the endosxopyl, it's worrying avbout the results.

I had a lot of tests. 
We went into the ER with sigfnifixANF STomach pain

another inad vertent publication. . . .  Tuesda afternoonj on doctor,'s 0and didn't get into a bed until 5:00 a.m., DELAYED by a long, nauseuous experienxce wifh a a cat scan.

But over th days all has been found to ve well - just a flareup of the pancreas due to a medication.

I will write more lartwr laer.  this is too tirinf.  maybr it;s tim to proofread and then take n aftfernoon nap.


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