Monday, July 5, 2010

I look more saintly all the time

No, I did not become a nun. 
This is me after a haircut in what I'd describe as crazy circumstances.  It was a Friday.  Kenneth and his crew were doing the initial work on a wedding, which was the next day.  That day all the girls and the bride were coming in for the whole traditional beauty shop thing - hair, manicures, pedicures.  Even now, Ken was consulting with someone about how to add to someone's hair both dark and light.  (Wow!)

Wait, there's more.  Ken was telling me he is scheduled for surgery July 29.  Help!  I tried to figure out how long he would need to convalesce (weeks) and so how long did my haircut need to last  And then, when would my surgery be scheduled, and how long would I need to convalesce before I could get a haircut?  That was unnecessary.  I can let hair grow out as long as it likes.  I have no shame.

But here was Kenneth, flying around, talking about going to watch fireworks from the top of the Lincoln-Leveque Tower that night, answering the phone, asking me, "How short?"

"Well, short," I said.  I've been wearing it short.

"Yes, but . . . how short?"

Okay, you talked me into it.  "Really short," I said.  And the scissors flew.

The next thing you knew I was having product scrunched onto this to make it stand up some.  It looks halfway decent with some product in it, but it's an odd feel, wax on your head.  Quite unlike having a candle burned on your head, or incense cones, the way Pema Chodron described her own ceremony.  I came home with a little square container of the stuff, a two-year supply Kenneth assured me.

If I had decided to become a nun, probably the biggest thing in my life would have been to give up my hair.  And here I had just about done it for no reason, just part of the chaos.  I went to Target and bought some giant earrings, thus extending my support of the economy to China.

Someone asked me recently did I approve of something - or actually, asked what Zen thought of it.  It wasn't about hair.  I used to have a lot of ideas about what Zen would disapprove of.  I can't even explain that now.  We vow to go out into the world and give each person we meet whatever we can.  I don't think it has much to do with haircuts.


  1. New haircut looks cute on you. Very.. zen-like.

  2. Thank you. Karma. You end up looking zen-like even when you don't care anymore.
