Monday, October 11, 2010


In a few minutes I get dressed and drive to the Chinese doctor for a pre-surgical acupuncture treatment.  Then we pick up Laura and check in at the hospital at noon.

Our church does cards for people experiencing important life transitions.  These "joys and sorrows" are announced in the service.  This was the first time the entire church knew of Laura's kidney donation to me.  The several hundred people there burst into applause! After the service, so many people came to me with hugs and good wishes that I felt filled with the energy of love.  People are rightly stunned to think that someone would undergo surgery and give a kidney to someone who is not a beloved relative, but (until now) a virtual stranger. So am I, over and over.

Statistics suggest that if instead I had to begin dialysis, I would live less than four more years.  With a good, healthy donor kidney, I can live 20 more years.  Laura is handing me years of life.  Please pray or sit for both of us, that we have good recoveries.


  1. Sending love and metta and best wishes for health and vibrant recoveries!!! We'll have you on the chant list(s).

  2. Didn't catch this until now. Hope it has all gone well, Jeanne. As with Jomon, we will add you to our healing altar.
